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7 Tips When You Start to
Feel Under the Weather That Have Helped Me Tremendously

Very excited to share my 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather which have helped me.  I hope they help you in some type of way.  

With pollen seasons, cold, the flu and now corona, sometimes you don't know what's what.  Am I right?  So many symptoms cross over, it's just simply hard to tell sometimes what you're actually dealing with it. 

Take it from me.  I can definitely relate since I'm a yearly allergy sufferer.  And with new symptoms being added every week to the corona list, it has so many people scratching their heads.  

Check out my 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather so that you can say shoo sickness shoo! 

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 1

Drink Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. It has to be Braggs though with the Mother.  What's the mother? It's the stringy stuff that you'll see but that's where all of the nutrients are.  Braggs ACV is the best for fighting inflammation. 

I actually starting back drinking this every morning - 2 teaspoons in 8oz of water.  But I increase my intake when I'm feeling like something is coming on and drink it throughout the day. 

I either put in hot water or add it to my lemon tea with honey. Some people prefer it in their tea instead of plain water.  It's definitely an acquired taste but I'm use to it.  

This first tip of the 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather may be the only tip you'll ever need.  People have been using it for years to remedy various things. 

I picked up a Bragg's book as well from our local Wegman's that has all types of great information on how to combat certain ailments with Braggs.  Such a great read! 

Read more about Braggs wonderful products.  

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 2

Reach for the lemons.  If you don't have Bragg's ACV in your cabinet but have lemons, definitely have yourself a squeeze of lemon with warm water and honey. They are great source of vitamin C and wonderful antioxidants.  

I'll either have lemon and honey or I'll add lemon to my ACV tea. 

Or if I'm having my Bigelow lemon tea, I'll add more lemon to it for the extra boost.   

My kids even like to eat them from time to time.  haha! 

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 3

Try supplementation.  I enjoy taking supplements because they give my body an extra bit of boost of protection. 

My favorites ones to take are probiotics, Vitamin D, B-complex, Calcium and Fish Oils. 

Most recently, I've added QBC which is quercentin, bromelain and vitamin C.

Everyone is different, so you'll need to figure out which ones will benefit you.  You may have to speak to your doctor to determine the essential ones needed. 

Also, simply do your research to see which ones would be more beneficial to you.  

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 4

Ooo...this is another aha tip from the 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather. 

PUT DOWN THAT COLD DRINK!  Haha, yes you heard me. 

If your body is going through something, the last thing that it needs is a cold beverage.  Settle for room temperature or warm beverages.  Increase your intake of warm teas and hot soup.

When you're feeling under the weather, your body is mostly likely experiencing some type of inflammation, which means your mucus production has increased. 

Cold beverages solidifies the mucus and we do not want that.  The mucus needs to come out and the best thing is to drink as many warm beverages throughout the day that you can fight whatever your body is going through.  

Back in the day, no one would bring anyone cold soup when someone would be under the weather.  haha..Am I right? 

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 5

STAY HYDRATED.  Drink plenty of water.  Water thins the mucus and helps the body to pass it better.  Flush that stuff out! 

So drink your water and tea throughout the day.  Limit your sugar/honey intake as well.  Definitely use it but if you're drinking tea throughout the day, you just want to be mindful.

Here's a tip to get your water intake.  Fill a 24 oz bottle of water in the morning, drink it before Noon.  Fill again at Noon, drink before 3, Fill to 16oz at 3 and drink before 6.  Boom! There you have it.  You have gotten in your water intake for the day as recommended by Healthline. Woohoo! 

This tip from the 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather is certainly one that we should all be following whether feeling under the weather or not.  

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 6

This is probably the best aha tip out of the 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather because many people really do not think about doing this. 

Refrain from eating dairy and caffeine.  These are two things that I have not touched in awhile.  And it's so important to stay away from them especially if you're starting not to feel well.

They are considered natural inflammatories, which means that they are natural mucus producers.  And that's one thing that our bodies are trying to get rid of.  So definitely stay away.  

Research other foods that also causes inflammation to determine what to stay away from.  A lot of sugar as well as processed foods can cause inflammation in the body.  Just be mindful.

Feeling Under the Weather Tip 7

Get yourself a neti pot!! OMG!  The neti who? Haha..

This is the best inexpensive invention for helping the body to rid mucus. I have been using this tip of the 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather for a minute.  And I love it! 

I use it during the seasons when pollen can be high or when I've encountered something (environmental or food) that has caused congestion.  

It's great for flushing out the nasal cavities, so that the mucus doesn't stay and fester.  And sometimes, in my case I cannot get all of the mucus out by just blowing my nose.  Sometimes, there's a feeling of it being stuck in my ear, which is where the neti pot comes in.  Also, great for post nasal drip! 

If you want to learn more about the neti pot, I have another website that talks more about it over there.  

7 Tips When You Start to Feel Under Weather BONUS Tips 

1. Think about what you have eaten or have come in contact within the last few days.  Your body could be reacting to something in a new product or food which has happened to me. 

Once you stop the eating the food or using the product, keep in mind that it may take about a week or so for it to completely clear from your body. 

2. Try Acupressure!  I absolutely love this and it works but you have to stay consistent and be patient. 

There are so many areas of the body that you can apply pressure and receive wonderful results.  It's such a great benefit! 

3. I love to use a product called Xlear. (Pictured here with the neti) It's natural and great to use when I'm feeling stuffy. 

Annnnd, it's non-habit forming.  Super! 

Let's Recap 7 Tips When You Start to Feel Under the Weather

Ok, so let's recap! 

  1. Try ACV especially when the weather changes
  2. Grab you some lemons
  3. Reach for some supplements
  4. Put down the cold drink
  5. Stay hydrated
  6. Stay away from inflammatory foods
  7. Try using a neti pot.  ahh...the best! 

All in all, just simply listen to your body. 


Your body knows, just listen.  

Which one of these 7 tips when you start to feel under the weather is most interesting to you?  Which one will you try? I would love to hear!

I hope this has resonated with you.  If it has, please be sure to leave a comment and don't forget to share ☺️
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