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7 ways to get UNSTUCK in your life 

Have you ever felt stuck in life not knowing how to get out of this feeling, the relentless hamster wheel? Or not getting the things that you want in life.  

I think we all have probably felt this way at some point in time and fortunately, some have found a way to get unstuck and forge ahead but unfortunately, some have not and are still looking for answers. 

Well I have broken down the word UNSTUCK where all 7 letters represent an action that you will need to take in order to get unstuck and move forward in your life. 

Here's a preview:

U - Undo negative self talk

N- Navigate your life on your own terms.

S - Seek the things that you want in your life.

T- Tell the Universe what you do want and not what you don't want.

U- Unapologetically live the life that you always wanted.

C- Capture the desires of your heart in writing or photos.

K-Kick distractions and bad habits that are hindering your success.

Read on for the complete breakdown of each action. I hope they help.  

1. U- UNDO negative self talk of what can’t happen for you as well as any thought processes that you think that things are not possible for you.  Instead start speaking favor and abundance over your life and stating that you CAN and you WILL.  You have to get really quiet with yourself to listen to what you are saying internally everyday.  These words become subconsciously rooted which then manifest themselves as reality.  

2. N- NAVIGATE your life on your own terms.  You get to navigate your life which will be  based on the choices that you do or don't make.  We all make mistakes in life but it’s important to always try to make good decisions that will have a positive impact on your life.  When you continue to make smart decisions, you will be navigating your life in the right direction. 

Always stop and pause to determine how a choice would impact your life.  If you feel it could possibly have a negative effect on your life then its not worth doing it.  Another thought is are you actually making decisions for your life or is someone else making those decisions for you or are you making your decisions based on someone's else's ideas and beliefs.

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3. S - SEEK what you want in life by researching, asking questions, taking classes, and simply keeping your heart and ears open to opportunities.  And to do this, look at all the things that you love to do or want to do and do those things. 

Don’t limit yourself or put yourself in a box.  It’s about discovery and moving forward and closer to what you’re dreaming about.  Do research and discover free resources that you can utilize.  If you have the financial means to purchase a class, then do that.  Always keep your eyes and ears open to pick up on opportunities or things that you've been actively researching - this is not a coincidence but a sign from the Universe that you are on the right track.  

4. T -  TELL the Universe what you do want and not what you don’t want in your life.  You have the power in your tongue by speaking exactly what you want in your life.  Words are very powerful.  So I ask you, what do you say everyday about the things that you want in your life?

Do you say, I could never have this or that or do you say I want this or that.  Change your language - both internal and verbal. If one dialogue is negative and the other positive, it’s not going to work.  Both must be positive on all fronts. 

5. U - UNAPOLOGETICALLY move forward everyday to live the life that you always wanted.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting more and sometimes people have a horrible way of showing it by making you feel like you’re doing something wrong or that you’re in over your head.  You really don’t need to explain anything to anyone.  As long as you’re not causing any harm or creating negative chaos in your life,  continue to do the things you love without apologizes.  

6. C- CAPTURE is also apart of the ACTION steps which highly deserves to be here too because there’s something about capturing your dreams in writing, through pictures or doing both.  When you are looking at your goals or dreams everyday, a shift will occur within you and though you know it may take you minute to get there, you know deep down within your soul that your dreams and goals WILL happen. 

7. K - KICK bad habits and anything that is going to deter you from reaching your goal.  Life can throw in so many distractions.  Some can be seen as necessary but then others can be seen as not.  Ignore distractions that are not bringing value to your life.  Ask yourself, if there's anything or anyone holding you back?  Sit with that for a minute for it to absorb and then start making decisions on how to ignore and avoid, if any. 

With all this being said, I’m not trying to say that you will never have any down days of feeling discouraged and depleted because you may and that’s okay...we all do.  The key is to not stay there long. Get back up, get moving and repeat the steps.  Read these steps again, look at your list or pictures again and continue with your process.  And for closing, please say these sentences:

I will Undo negative self talk and replace with positive self talk and affirmations.

I will Navigate my own life on my own terms.

I will Seek what I want in life.

I will Tell the Universe what I do want and not what I don't want.

I will Unapologetically live the life I always wanted.

I will Capture the desires of my heart in writing or/and with photos. 

I will Kick bad habits or any necessary, negative distractions.

I hope this has resonated with you.  Please let me know if it did. Cheers to getting unstuck and living the life you always wanted. 

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