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How to Be More Present In Your Life Everyday 

Be More Present in Everyday Life

I think many ponder the question of how to be more present everyday. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, I hope that you find this post to be helpful.  I think it is safe to say that we have all felt overwhelmed at some point in time but the good  news is that there are things we can do to slow down the pace to be more present, to be more at peace and to have a sense of calm.  

I am sharing 4 tips on how to be more present and less overwhelmed in your everyday life.  Enjoy.  

4 Tips on How To Be More Present 

1. Disconnect from Social Media 

How often do you find yourself checking your social media sites to see what is going on in the world, with your friends or the people you follow?  Probably too many times to count.

Do not get me wrong, scrolling, engaging and checking out what is what on social media can be a lot of fun but it can also take a ton of energy.  And sometimes it is the energy that we should really be giving back to ourselves, 

I am not saying give up social media completely, nope not at all but what I am saying is to step back and take a break.  Or even just decrease the amount of times you pop on per day. 

If you are someone who pops on 5 times a day, try to decrease to 3 and then just 1.  I know it may seem hard especially if social media has become a big part of your life but trying this may enable you to gain some precious time of being more present in your life and allowing your mind and soul to rest.  

We all know that social media can be a lot at times so it is important to just take this time or some of this time back so that you can enjoy just maybe sitting in peace.  

I will take short breaks where I will not get on as often throughout the day, or get off for a few days or long period breaks where I will get off for a couple of weeks or longer depending on what I feel and need.  It feels very nice to have my mind in this state where I do not feel like I need to engage in this capacity.  

2. Give Eye Contact When Chatting It Up

Whether you are chatting it up with your spouse, kids. friends or colleagues, put the down the phone and give more eye contact.  

I know there are times where you may not able to put down your phone completely but the point is to make a conscious effort to engage more by giving eye contact.  When you engage more, you will have a better connection which will enable you to be more present.  

Eye contact, laughing, smiling, warmth, smirking and everything in between are all beautiful parts of simply being present.  If you are on your phone or pre-occupied with something else, you will miss that.  

3. Make Every Moment Extraordinary 

Get in the habit of relishing in every moment.  Savor each moment like you will never have that moment back again.  

Make tasks that are considered mundane or ordinary like driving, cleaning your home, doing laundry, etc. feel more special by simply slowing down and taking in your movements.  

Instead of complaining about doing these type of tasks, simply enjoy them.  Enjoy driving your kids to practice.  Yes, it can be a lot at times but embrace the beautiful chaos because at some point, they will be older and all of the beautiful chaos and driving will just be a memory.

Get excited about the little things because the more excitement you have for the little things, the more present you will be.  

I love, love to clean. Haha...sounds crazy right but it is true.  I will put in my airpods, play my fave music and get in my cleaning zone.  It is one of the best relaxing, present feelings.  I am cleaning, singing, dancing and just enjoying the moment.  

4. Get Lost in Nature 

Have you ever sat and watched a squirrel with its nut or watched a hummingbird at a feeder?  Have you ever watched the sunset or sunrise?  What about a bumblebee that lands on a flower?  

When you take the time to sit and enjoy nature, you are able to be more present.  

You are able to stop time for that moment and just be.  

One of my fave things to do on a spring morning is to listen to the birds chirping.  I mean waking up and hearing this sound with the sun shining through is just beautiful.  It is such a wonderful way to be more present.  

I hope this has resonated with you.  If it has, please be sure to leave a comment and don't forget to share ☺️
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