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How to Start Self Care

If you're looking for answers on how to start self care so that you can begin to incorporate it in your everyday life without getting too overwhelmed, well you have come to the right place Sis. 

This can apply to the brothers too because let's face it, we all need to take care of self. Am I right? 

What Do You Need

Often times, I think people look at other people's self care regiment and may feel as though they have to adopt the entire thing, when in actuality, people just need to find what works for them.

Now if you see a self care regiment that you do like by all means, adopt away but don't feel like you have to.

You may just want to adopt some things that you need for yourself.  

If you know that you need a facial every couple of weeks, then definitely plan that and make a way for that to happen.  But if you know that you do not need to go get your nails done as well then there's no need to add that.  You may opt to do your nails at home instead and that's fine to do.  

But again look at your needs and determine what you need.  

Make The Time this is a good one.  How to start self care by making the time for ourselves.  Look, I completely get it.  There's sooo much going on and sometimes time just gets away from us but we still must do it.

I was a stay at home Mom for about 10 years and know exactly how it feels to be busy especially with having little ones and with my hubby being deployed and/or traveling but you know what, I made the time.

Being a stay at home Mom, didn't mean that I shouldn't be myself, that I shouldn't take time to just be alone or do the things that I needed to do for myself, it meant that I was a stay at home Mom who also needed to take care of herself too. 

I would the put the kiddos in day care when they weren't old enough to go to school and I would go do what I had to do for myself...lunch with a gf, hair appt, nail appt, hit the gym, uninterrupted naps....the list goes on.  It was needed and I was a happier Mom because of it.  

Now they are teenagers and I still take the time do those things because I decided a long time ago that I matter.  

So definitely take the time for yourself because YOU matter too.  

Just Start 

So there will never be a perfect time to start, you must just do it.  

Decide right now when you are going to start your self care, stick to your word and then do it. 

If your kids are younger and you need to make plans to find a reliable sitter, then do that.  

If your kids are old enough and you can take an uninterrupted bubble bath then do that.  If you will need to wait until your kids are in bed, then wait and then make plans to take that bath.  But stick to doing it no matter how tired you may be because again it's about making the time.  

If you have to put your self care time on your calendar, then do that.  Whatever you need to do but just start.  

So I urge you right now to choose something to do for your self care and then mark it on your calendar.  If you can start today or tonight, that's even better and it can be anything you want it to be.  And remember the best things are actually free.  

I love listening to the birds chirp, watching the sunset, daydreaming, dancing, etc., etc. and all of these things are FREE.  

How to Start Self Care Recap 

1. You don't have to copy someone else's self care regiment step by step.  You can pick and choose what works for you.

2. Make the Time to start.  You are valuable and important. Schedule that reliable sitter if you need to but don't go another day without starting self care for yourself.

3. Just Start.  The best way to do anything is to leap right in.  Once you start, then just continue full steam ahead.  Mark your calendar if need be but just do it.  Annnnd don't rely on anyone else (your spouse, your mother, your friend, your cousin, etc) to ensure that you are taking care of yourself.  It's up to you.  

I hope these suggestions on how to start self care helps you with starting yours.  Please share if anything has resonated. I would love to hear. 

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Hello Beautiful You.  I'm Verronica. and welcome to my online home. I share tips from my personal experiences on wellness, manifesting, fashion and lifestyle over 40. Thank you so much for being here. Learn more. 

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