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Manifesting With Energy - 6 Big, Big Energy Tips That You've Been Missing

energy and harmony

Energy and harmony is everything

Manifesting with energy is one of the key components many miss when it comes to manifesting the heart's desire.  

Not to say the other components aren't worthy because they truly are but missing energy from the equation may cause many to go around in circles wondering why nothing is happening.  

1. Check Your Thoughts

Your thoughts play a huge role in you receiving exactly what you want and if you're not careful, you could be attracting the wrong things. 

Every thought that you have will come back to you two fold.  It's sort of acts as a boomerang.  

So think about it.  If you throw a boomerang it's going to come right back to you with the same trajectory and force as you sent it out.

Now think about your thoughts.  Whatever thought you send out is going to come back the same way.  So the key is to change your thoughts to be of abundance so that when they come back, they will be received by you in the form of abundance.  

This abundance may show up as a nice compliment, an unexpected gift, a new found connection, etc.

When your thoughts are aligned with what you desire, you can can't help but manifest with energy.  

2. Say Positive Affirmations 

Affirmations, affirmations, affirmations!  They are soo powerful and will keep your energy vibrations up.

The key with affirmations is to get in the habit of saying them,  Come up with a few of your fave ones and make a habit of saying them to yourself on the daily.  

If you have a hard time remembering them, use sticky notes and stick them where you will see them often.  You can also save them in your phone or even save as your screen saver.  Your options are limitless.   

When you say your affirmations, say them with conviction and certainty.  Say them from your gut and not from your head.  Say them with feeling,  Manifesting with energy is a lot about feeling good and being in a good feel space.   

3. Get You Some Crystals 

Manifest with energy by using crystals.  Crystals are powerful and can give you the energy that you need to manifest the things that you desire.

And the cool thing is that there are crystals to manifest different things.  It truly depends on where you're at in your life and what you're currently working on manifesting.  

I purchased a box of crystals last year from Amazon and absolutely love them.  I don't know all of the ins and outs about them but love learning about what they do and the benefits.  

My absolute fave is the Tiger's Eye which protects against negativity and increases wealth.  

4. Tap Into Our Beautiful Moon

Our moon holds magical powers and energy and we should definitely make a point to tap into it especially when there's a  new moon.  

When there's a new moon, this is the time to set your intentions and ask the Universe what you desire.  

When you make a point to do this, you are tapping into the moon's vibrant energy and the energy is coming right back to you to help you with your manifestations.  

So next time there is a new moon, grab your journal and start writing down your intentions.  

5. Get Your Journaling On

Journaling is a great way to manifest with energy because the more you write down your hearts desire, the more you'll be thinking about it and the more good energy you'll be putting out because you're so excited to receive those things,  

Just look at your journal as a big energy field with your words that will eventually turn into something that's physical which is exactly what you want.  

6. Dance, Sing, and Praise 

Manifest with energy by dancing, singing and praising!  Yes indeed!  Get your dance on by turning on your fave tunes and dancing until your heart is content.  While you're dancing, feel the good energy flowing through your body and imagine all of the things that you want to happen in your life. 

Let go and allow the music to guide you while you're envisioning all of your manifestations coming to fruition.  And while you're dancing, sing.  Sing, be happy and be joyful because you know that your miracle and blessings are on the way.  

While you're at, praise, praise, praise!  Praise before you receive the thing that you want.  Shout for it and praise again!  Simply burst with good energy so that the Universe feels it and know that you are ready, able and willing to receive.  

Manifest with Energy Recap

The biggest part of manifesting is ensuring that you keep your energy vibrations up.  When you keep your energy vibrations up, the Universe will pick up on those vibrations and kept help but to assist you in manifesting your heart desires, 

So remember to keep these things in mind

  • Check your thoughts
  • Say positive affirmations
  • Get you some crystals
  • Tap into our beautiful moon
  • Get your journaling on
  • Dance, Sing and Praise

I hope this has resonated with you.  If it has, please be sure to leave a comment and don't forget to share ☺️
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