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What Is Law of Attraction?

What is law of attraction and how can it be useful in your everyday life?  

Well, it can be quite useful and beneficial.  And you may find that it changes your life in sooo many areas when you discover how to use it to your advantage. 

Well, What Exactly is Law of Attraction?

What is law of attraction in laymen terms is the act of attracting the things that we focus on.  Feel free to look up other meanings or go here to access another definition by Esther Hicks.  I absolutely love her teachings.  So eye opening, thought provoking and beautiful.

But, whatever we focus on is what will be.  Whether that thing that we're focusing on is positive or negative, it will be what we have imagined it to be.  

We live in a huge energy field called the Universe and whatever we give energy to will come back to us two fold so it's important to be aware of our thoughts and our energy because we have the power to change and decide what we attract.

How You Wake Up Matters

What is Law of Attraction when it comes to one's morning routine?  If one wakes up in the morning and already states that it's going to be a bad day, have the energy it's going to be a bad day, then it's probably going to be a bad day.  If one complains about every little thing before even walking out of the house, then this person is continuing to set him/herself up to have the worse day.  

But if one wakes up with the attitude of I'm blessed to wake up this morning and no matter what happens today, I'm going to have a great day!  I am grateful for my job, my home and my family and I look forward to this new day, then he/she will probably have a great day.   

Can't you feel how the energy of both of these are quite different.  One feels negative and draining and the other has the energy of pure abundance.  

So it truly matters how you start your day.

I try to wake up every morning, thanking God for the day and having an attitude of abundance with having every thing that I need and then some.  Does this mean that I don't have goals, absolutely not but what it does mean is that I thank God for what I have and so happy and blessed for what's to come.  

Law of Attraction Throughout the Day - This Matters too

What is Law of Attraction when it comes to using it throughout the day?

Well, what are you saying about your life and situations throughout the day?  Are you speaking abundance over your life or are you speaking lack?  

What thoughts are playing throughout your mind throughout the day?  This matters too.

Whatever we think throughout the day, is what we'll attract.

If you say to yourself that your situation is not going to get better, then it probably will not.

But if you say, I know that my situation is going to get better. I don't know how but that is okay.  I have the faith that it will get better and I'm thankful for that.  

The second one had better energy and more of that energy we have, the more of that good energy we'll attract. 

What is Law of Attraction Tips

  • Practice focusing on your thoughts. Remember you can always change your thought to a better one
  • Do feel energetic and happy?  If not, focus on being grateful for the things that are happening in your life.  Those things can be big or small
  • Don't allow external factors and circumstances, change your thoughts and energy.  Remember we have complete control over those things and we get to choose our thoughts as well as our energy.

We get to attract exactly what we want in our lives and that's such a beautiful thing.  Happy attracting! 

I hope this has resonated with you.  If it has, please be sure to leave a comment and don't forget to share ☺️
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