This website is for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional.  As an Amazon associate and influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.  There are also affiliate links present here where I earn from as well.  Thanks so much for reading my lifestyle blog. I hope something resonates with you.

Unleash Your Manifesting Woman Superpower Course  - Registration is closed - Continue to visit to see when the next course will open again.  Schedule here Beautiful for your FREE 20 minute Chat to discuss the course. 

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Women Dream Catcher Course 

If this is your first time here, welcome.  I'm so glad that you found me and that you decided to stop by.  I feel there is no such thing in coincidences but divine connections.

Have you ever hit a wall when it came to reaching your goals or seeing your dreams come to fruition? Well if you have, I can completely relate along with other Women, I'm sure. 

It's so frustrating because you know that you want to do this big thing or you want to move on from something or you want new opportunities to chase you down, but can't seem to make any head way.  There's always something getting in the way or that doggone wrench being thrown into your plans, once again...Dang! 

Why me you ask? Why does it seem like every time I take two steps forward, there's something pulling me back, taking me five steps backwards.  Ugh! Ugh! 

You're probably thinking that I can't catch a break.  

You may feel successful in certain areas of your life but want to do more because you know that you are capable of so much more, capable of doing something big but just don’t know where to start.  You truly want to live the life that God has destined you to be.  

Women Dreamer Catcher Course May Help 

This is where my Women Dream Catcher course comes in.  I went from an Army Veteran who worked at the Pentagon and prior stay at home Mom to a working Mom and professional model and actress.  I just finished three national projects (scroll to see the first one below)  while working my 9 to 5 as an Executive Assistant to an Air Force General.  A 9 to 5 that I was hired for during the pandemic. 

I want to share my experiences, tips and hacks on how to attract exactly what you want to happen in your life.  I’ll share some ah-mazing things that have happened in order for me to land jobs and projects that I exactly wanted.  I invite you to join me for this new course that will not only open your eyes but will give you a new, inspiring perspective on life. 

I am excited to build a community of Women who want to support each other while helping each other build their dreams and everyday life goals.  

If this sounds interesting to you, email me at so that we can schedule a call to chat further about your goals. 

If we've chatted and you're ready to plunge in, secure your spot to the 4 week course beginning on Aug 9, 2021.

About the Course 

It will contain 2 live coaching classes via Zoom per week and 1 recorded class.  During each class we'll actually do things to set our our dreams and/or everyday goals into motion. During and after the course, you'll receive a lifetime membership to the Women's Dream Catcher course Facebook group where you'll receive continued motivation and inspiration to continue to move towards and crush your goals. 

A part of fulfilling and achieving goals is connections.  We are all connected and can truly help each other succeed and that in itself is powerful! 

This course has ended.

My first national project 

The feeling when you attract exactly what you want in your life.  It's so ah-mazing. 

I recently had the opportunity to work with Laura Chase de Formigny, Washington Post food photographer and National Geographic collaborator and her wonderful team.  I couldn't ask for a better first national project.  

The Universe will help us get there.  We just need to do the work.  I'll show you what that work entails.  You deserve everything that you have ever dreamed of.  What are you waiting for.  The time is now. 

If you're ready, let's go dream! 

Payment: $497 due Aug 2nd.  Or 2 payments of 248.50.

Pay in full bonus: 1 hour one on one coaching 

Extras:  Life time access to Women's Dream Catcher FB group for continued support with inspirational videos, quotes and coaching. 

The time is now my friend.  

I hope this has resonated with you.  If it has, please be sure to leave a comment and don't forget to share ☺️
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Hello Beautiful You.  I'm Verronica. and welcome to my online home. I share tips from my personal experiences on wellness, manifesting, fashion and lifestyle over 40. Thank you so much for being here. Learn more. 

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