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Create A Vision Board For Attracting Exactly What You Want - 7 Easy Steps 

Vision board

Creating a vision board is a great way to display what you envision for your life. 

If you've never heard of how to create a vision board, then today is your lucky day beautiful! 

If you have some goals and dreams hanging out in your mind that you would love to see happening for real, for real...then a vision board is a great place to start to get your dreams out of your mind and on to something that you can see.  

So stick around while I show you some easy steps on how to create your very own vision board.  

1. Make Your Dream List 

If you haven't already done so, write down all of the things that you would like to see happen in your life. There's nothing too big or too small either.  Whatever is that you want to accomplish, achieve, dream about doing, etc., write it down.  

Once you have your list, now choose 5-7 goals/dreams that you want to create your vision board with.  You can most certainly choose more but sometimes by choosing a smaller number, it makes the process less overwhelming.  

And don't fret because the other dreams/goals that you didn't choose, can be chosen for another vision board later and yes, yes! you can have more than one.  You can even categorize them.  Just have fun!  

2. Decide on Your Board 

Now that you have chosen the goals you want on your board, it's time to decide how you want to display them.

There are many different options on to create a vision board and to be completely honest, it doesn't even have to be a board. 

But here are some board options that you can consider:

  • Poster board
  • Sturdy side of a cardboard box 
  • 3-fold Presentation board (a great way you to categorize your dreams)
  • Dry erase board
  • Cork board

And if you decide that you do not want to use a board, here are some other options that may work too:

  • Online 
  • Shadow box
  • Display on shelf 
  • Picture frame
  • Digital picture frame 

If you decide to continue with a board, think about your space and where you'll be able to display it so that you can view it on a regular basis.  

3. Scope An Area to Setup 

Find an area in your home where you can start building your board.  

Try not to opt for the kitchen table or counter because then you'll have to move everything for dinner, dinner prep, etc.  Instead try to find an area of your home where you can put your items and be able to work on it for a couple of days without having to move it.  

However, if the kitchen table is your only option or a your floor, you can always keep your supplies in a nice bin.  And then when you will need to move, you'll just grab your bin and poster board.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!  

4. Gather Your Supplies 

Now that you have decided on the board and which dreams to put on it, now it's time to gather the rest of your supplies to start making the magic happen.  

Here are some the things that you'll need:

  • Old magazines
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Glue Sticks
  • Markers

You may need other items depending on how you want your board to look.  Some other things to consider:

  • Sticky notes
  • Stapler 

5. Start Collecting 

Grab your old magazines and scissors, and begin clipping pictures, words, phrases, etc., that correlates to the dreams that you want to go on your board. There's a ton of other vision board ideas that you can use if you're looking to use something else besides magazines.  

When you're doing this, envision yourself already fulfilling your dream.  How do you feel?  Do you feel happy, excited, joyful, ecstatic, or all of the above? 😆

If so, that's exactly how you should feel.  You should be beaming with joy because you are taking steps towards what you in your life and creating a vision board is a huge start.  You should be proud.

6. Ready to build 

This is the moment that you've been waiting for, haha!  The building of your vision board...yay!  

Now this is where the magic happens.  

  • Grab all of the clippings that you have or any of the vision board ideas that you used. 
  • Get your glue sticks
  • And let the pasting, stapling and excitement begin!  Woohoo!

There doesn't have to be any order of how you build it either.  Do what comes to you.  Go with the flow and have fun! 

Simply let the perfection go!

7. Breathe and Admire 

Congratulations! Now that you are done, it is time to sit back and admire your masterpiece.  

So first thing is first, find an area where you can place it where you'll be able to look at it often.  Remember that these are your dreams that will come true and you have just created good energy for that to happen.

Each time you look at your vision board and envision yourself doing all of the things that you placed on your board, you are creating good energy and communicating with the Universe that you ready for your dreams to come true.  

Create A Vision Board Recap 

A vision board is a great way to get your dreams out of your head and on to something that you can look at regularly.  I hope these steps help you to achieve just that.

  1. Make a dream list
  2. Decide on a board
  3. Scope an area of your home to work 
  4. Gather your supplies
  5. Start collecting
  6. Build time 
  7. Breathe and Admire 

Ok, beautiful!  Now that you have the steps, it is time for you to build your masterpiece.  Have fun!  It is going to be ah-mazzzing 😍

If you're wanting more inspiration, check out this quick read from Betterup.  Enjoy! 

I hope this has resonated with you.  If it has, please be sure to leave a comment and don't forget to share ☺️
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